Female Education why ?
"Give me a good mother and i will give you a good nation"
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right.God has created both man and woman equally and has not drawn any distinct distinction between them.He has bestowed them with equal faculties.So there should be no difference of opinion regarding importing education to woman.
A good mother can produce a good citizen.In order to have good citizens. Female education is a must
My name Lucky .I said....
"One child, One teacher, One pen and one book can change the World."
"when you educate a girl you educate a Nation"
"You educate a man;you educate a man.
"you educate a generation."
1.Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized,educated nation.
2.Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.